Book of Mahluk 2023
The consept was to create a character that belongs to the "Book of Mahluk" lore. 
In this consept I created a world called Altus which is an antient war zone. The result of the war, neibouring planet has been destroyed but the remains of that planet started to shower Altus since then. 
Here is the story of Mori Lund:

Where should I begin?
Oh yes! Mori was one of the most unfortunate Altusian among all. She was a teacher for the younglings. She was decent. Neither the best nor the worst. She lived a monotone life until that very tiny incident has happened.
Imagine a world which is really close to an incredibly dense asteroid belt. That belt was there because of a previously destroyed neighbour planet. I think instead of asteroids, we can call that belt a dead planet's residue. This makes life quite dangerous in Altus. Almost daily you can catch a meteor shower because of that close proximity residue. Altus has a weak natural protection and those meteors usually touch the ground because of that weakness.
That was exactly what happened to Mori. She caught a meteor shower right in the park where she likes to read and listen to some tunes.
Altus was an advanced civilization and they had created a protection grid around Altus but it wasn't perfect.  The grid couldn't protect Mori that day and that accident had been caused almost a total annihilation because the virus which was hidden deep inside that planet residue, chose Mori as it's carrier and spread itself everywhere. Nearly every plant, animal and Altusian died in two excruciating months.
Last survivors caught Mori and built a prison for her. They couldn't kill Mori because of a sudden burst of virus risk, instead they put Mori inside a special liquid case and made a containment unit in Space where she started her next life as a not living but not dead prisoner. She felt the suffocation until her last day to protect the next generations from her.

These are the different renders from the scene:
I hope you like this fun project. There are other beautiful projects and characters with the Book of Mahluk project. Please check out those as well and don't forget to tumbs up.
Mori Lund


Mori Lund
